It's finally here!!

Hi everyone, and welcome to my website!
I am very excited to be writing my first blog post for my new website. Creating a website has been on my to do list for a long time but I just kept doubting myself and putting it off. But no more, its time to quiet that little voice and jump in with both feet. So here it goes…

The website is a little basic to start but it will grow. Right now, you can learn a little about me and my business and see some of my crochet soft toys and accessories in the shop. The goal is to have the whole range of toys and accessories on the website soon. I also want to add my own crochet patterns to the website so you can make your own crochet cuties at home.

As well as creating a new website, I thought why not do a whole new rebrand of my small business (like I’m not busy enough!).  So, I have a new logo to launch at the same time as the website, which means new business cards, tags, stickers etc. The bank account is getting a bit of a workout but I’m really happy with the new logo and I hope you like it too.

If you want to see more you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok. Don’t worry, I won’t be lip syncing or dancing! There are links on my ‘Contact me’ page of the website. I spend a lot of time at The Coterie in Clydach and I will be doing a number of Craft Fayres this year. All the dates will be added to the website at the beginning of each month.

I will be back with another blog post soon; watch this space!

Bye for now,